Rose Quartz Stone
As we know, due to the humidity and exposure to air, the lash adhesive dries fairly quickly and starts to become tacky or stringy. It is recommended to replace your adhesive every 15-20 minutes while lashing. Rose quartz stones serve as a pallet to prevent the lash adhesive from rapidly drying during the application process.
How it works
The theory behind a rose quartz stone is that it prevents the lash artist from having to replace their adhesive as often while lashing. Working with a fresh drop of adhesive helps lash artists achieve a strong bond between the natural lash and the extension. These stones work by allowing the adhesive to maintain a consistent temperature and prevents the adhesive from curing so quickly.
How to clean the rose quartz stone
It is easiest to clean the stone right when you finish the application process. Simply soak the stone in acetone then rinse it with warm soap and water.
Tip: Generally speaking, lash adhesive bottles have a shelf life of 3 months after being opened. By storing your adhesive properly in a cool and dry place you can extend the longevity of the adhesive to a maximum of 6 months.
Ashley Bryan
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